The Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership (ORLP) program is a nationally competitive grant that provides funding to underserved communities with a population of at least 25,000 residents with the exception of Federally recognized Tribes, which are eligible to apply for ORLP projects on lands that are held by that Tribal Nation or Trust regardless of population. This program is funded by the Land and Water Conservation Fund, and project sites assisted with these funds must be maintained and accessible exclusively for public outdoor recreation use in perpetuity. This applies to assisted park or site in its entirety, not just the area assisted by the grant funds. The primary goal of this program is to provide outdoor recreation opportunities to communities that are underserved in terms of access to parks and recreation resources, and where there are significant populations of people or are economically disadvantaged. ORLP is a reimbursable 50/50 matching grant, with a funding minimum of $300,000 and a maximum of $15,000,000. Grant applications must be submitted to Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department, who will review and submit the application to the National Parks Service. For more information, or technical assistance with grant applications, please contact Rhonda Moore, Federal Programs Manager 405-522-9522 or Hunter Prescott, Land and Water Conservation Fund Outreach and Compliance Coordinator 405-522-9330

VIEW Financial Assistance Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) (PDF)